The purpose of the Natural Horsemanship is to create a solid partnership with our friend, the Horse, using for communication, the language it uses within the herd to communicate with the other members of the herd.
Founded on respect and love for the Horse, understanding the nature and psychology of the horse, our programme teaches any horse lover, with any level of preparation, to safely enjoy the company of horses and to reach outstanding results.
The natural horsemenship method comes from the Native American Indians and is based on principles of mutual respect between man and horse, applicable to any horse, regardless of its character and temperament.
Proof of the harmonious partnership achieved between man and horse by the natural horsemanship method, are also the statistical results on safety in the equestrian sport, showing that the rate of accidents in the equestrian sport among followers of natural dressage is much reduced from that among the practitioners of the classical horsemanship methods.
In recent years the Natural Horsemanship method has been gaining increasingly more supporters also among the paractioners of the classical equestrian branch, dressage, jumps, endurance, even carts, noting that an emotionally balanced horse who works with pleasure, always obtains the expected results . (“Horses run faster and jump higher from their heart desire” Pat Parelli)
Natural Horsemanship does not have the purpose to train the horse, but it is a personal development method of the man reflected in the horse.
Natural horsemanship as we practice it, is based on a “step by step” method, from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, using clearly defined exercises, whose final purpose is winning the respect and trust of the horse both in the rider (the man) as well as in itself.
When the Horse comes to trust and respect humans and understands its role in the human-horse partnership, it will do whatever is required, when required, with pleasure and enthusiasm without having to resort to coercion.